Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Who do you look up to?

Everyone has a role model. They might not be famous or even well-known and you might not even think of them as a role model, but everyone has a person that they can look at and think “I wish I could be more like that”. Maybe it’s because they are cool, or friendly or you like their style, or maybe its deeper and on a more emotional level because you love their personality and what they stand for.

Well whoever it is, and for whatever reason their names was the one you thought of when you read this I think it is very important to know and understand that this person is your role model because when you’re having a bad day, and feel like you need a bit of cheering up, its your role model that you should look to for help and guidance. If your role model is an actor, watch them in their best movie, if they’re a singer listen to some of their music, if it’s a you tuber watch some of their videos, and if it’s a person you know go and talk to them. If you tell them about your bad day, it’s bound to feel much better soon because there is a reason that it’s that person who you look up to.

So let me know, who do you look up to?

Saturday, 25 February 2012

Writing a Book

I think writing a book is one of those things that everyone attempts at some point in their life. Not necessarily in a serious way, a book that they plan to be published and be read by thousands of people, but just something that we do for ourselves, to help us to understand the strange little ideas that we have, and see if maybe it is something we could do.

I have found that writing is not really my strong point. I mean I do enjoy writing blogs, but I wouldn’t say it is something I’m great at, or have a natural talent for. When it comes to writing a book, when I was younger I tried many times, I wrote short stories and the beginnings of so many books, but I have never had the writer’s talent, or the motivation to get further than the third chapter.

It’s not that I can’t write anymore, it’s that I lose confidence in what I am writing, and as I read it back I find it’s no longer interesting me, so how can it interest a reader. When I read the first chapter back I include description and complicated plots and shocking twists, but I struggle to keep a story interesting, which is why I stick to short pieces of writing!

The point to this blog? I have found a book plot that I really like, and that I know could make a great book so I’m going to try and stick at it and see if I can produce something I’m proud of, and I’m not really sure how but I figured it’s a story that other people could find the morel of.

Monday, 20 February 2012

My Heart

Here is a little piece of writing about my heart.

A few years ago we were so young, so happy,

Then I ended it all, something had changed,

A year later, just a few months ago,

I realised what, it was my heart.

Maybe I wasn’t ready, for what I felt,

Maybe I didn’t realise what I had,

But I let you go,

And I wanted you back.

So I watched for a while, tried to understand,

You were different to how I remembered,

But in some ways the same,

My heart had changed back.

Then the day came you told me you felt the same,

Our reunion was amazing, like no time had passed,

Only my feelings were stronger,

But yours had faded.

The whole time I could see that change in you,

You cared so much less,

Yet I still felt for you,

I was too scared to lose you.

Then the day came when you ended it all,

I understood your pain those two years ago,

My blood ran cold, my emotions gone,

I missed you already.

I sat around and watched you move on,

The pain stabbed my heart,

I couldn’t move on,

Maybe I could if I knew why.

Now I do my best for us to stay friends,

It’s hard to be around you,

But I can’t risk losing you,

Not completely.

Then my heart warms again from a very strange source,

Someone I wouldn’t have looked at twice before,

A flirt here and there,

And my heart starts to mend, again.

I know what I had before wasn’t love,

And neither is what I have now,

But it could be one day,

When I finally understand my heart.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Valentine's Day

Today is the day to spend with the one you love, or at least the one you like. I’m sure not everyone has heard the story of Valentine, and I’m pretty sure you don’t want to but one thing I will say is it is the love story that was so powerful, people still honour it today.

So use today wisely, if there is someone you like, today is the day that you should tell them, it’s not too late. If you a guy, this is the day when most single girls wish they had a guy who was interested, and if you’re a girl, I’m pretty sure guys would want a date too!

So take a risk, it doesn’t have to be expensive, just give them a card to show them you care, maybe you might get a date!

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Age is just a number!

In today’s world everyone takes age so seriously. Young kids are so quick to grow up. You find that all teenagers want to do is finish school and be adults, but the thing they don’t realise is they are too quick.

When I was about eleven years old all of my friends decided they were too grown up to play with dolls anymore, but the truth was I didn’t want to get rid of mine, I still enjoyed playing with them and unlike my friends I wasn’t in a rush to be grown up, but in the end I gave in and they now live up in the loft.

At that age you are still a kid and there is no need for that, today you see kids that age walking around wearing makeup, I hardly ever wear it now and I’m fifteen years old. At the rate children are moving at they will be acting like an adult at five!

But then we get to around fourteen years old, and we realise we are teenagers, and we have a long way to go until we are adults and the things we worry about just aren’t important anymore. Then you start to think about how much fun it would be to get those dolls out, or to watch the kids channel, or to go wild on a bouncy castle because at fifteen years old I’m still a kid, and although I don’t do those thing, I don’t pretend to be something I’m not, I still try to be my age!

Monday, 6 February 2012

Friendship Groups

Most friendship groups contain the same groups of people; I’m not saying all groups are the same, but that if you look at your group you may be able to pick out these five different people. Not all groups need five people, as most people could fit into more than one of these categories.

The leader is the person in the group who is always part of the conversation. When they are talking everyone will listen, and they can often influence other members to do what they want. These are the people who are trusted with all of the secrets, and if they are a good person a group can work great together.

Most groups find they have an attention seeker. They aren’t all bad, but quite a few are. This person is the one who will over talk people if the conversation isn’t going their way, and sometimes even lie or put themselves in the middle of other people’s business in a bid to get some attention. What they do may be as little as just feeling the need to talk a lot, or as big as making up a story of something in their or others’ lives.

The peace makers work hard to make sure everyone gets on. Most groups will have at least a couple of people who often feel tension and it is the peacemaker who will often help resolve these issues and keep the peace. They are the nice calm people, and are normally really good friends with everyone in the group.

The crazy one is a great person to have in your group. They make all the jokes, pull in all of the laughs and are generally amazing people to be around. They may not make sense all of the time, but even when they don’t you can’t help but laugh.

The quiet one can hardly ever be heard talking. They may be shy and just sitting and listening, or they may have their iPod in and are on another planet, but either way they don’t say much, but the little things that they do say are always classic!

So look at your group and see if you can tell who is who!

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Logic Vs Creativity

It’s very unusual for people to be both, some people are, although these people don’t normally specialise in both, they are just more of an all-round person, which means that although they understand most things, they can’t quite take one the extra mile.

You see there are logical people and they think in a special way. They can see one definite answer to most questions, and look for ways that they can solve something the same every time. Problem solving is easy because using their mind they can find the method they need to succeed. However, when they are trying to do something creative, they can’t let themselves go and really let their mind come up with something new and amazing, because they are looking for the perfect formula that will solve the problem.

Then we have the creative people. Every decision the come to in life they let their heart lead, and answer in a way that feels right to them. They are great when it comes to writing and painting, but when problem solving they struggle to focus and find the logical steps that is needed, and the solution.

Neither is better than the other, both have a special impact on society and I don’t think one could exist without the other. If the world had only creative thinkers, nothing would get done, everyone would be happy and chilled and surrounded by beauty, but there would be no inventions, or developments. If there were only logical people, then yes the world would be very well developed and they would know all about the wonders of the world, but they would have nothing to look forward to, no books to take them away from a hard day, no artwork to admire, no music to calm a bad mood.

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

When life gives you lemons... Make orange juice!

Some people are so predictable. When things happen they take the easy option, do what they think they should do and I don’t think people should.

Some people are followers, when there is a new fashion trend they will take to it straight away, and the problem with this is everyone ends up looking the same, being the same acting the same. The thing about that is when someone does step up and decide they don’t want to be like everyone else, that they want to be different then they are frowned upon, seen as weird and labelled.

We also have the leaders. These are the people who normally start the trends that everyone follows, and they end up acting over the top because in their minds, they are popular. This means they almost have a control over their followers, and quite often as their popularity rises they become more and more harsh with people, and putting down people who don’t live up to their standards.

This is the world we now live in, and I really don’t think it is fair on anyone. You see the leaders normally get the confidence to do what they do from an experience in life that has shown them that they have to stand up for themselves, something really hard. The followers then lose their individuality as they try to fit in with everyone else and the people who don’t conform are picked on and often feel really bad and down.

I’m not saying it’s easy, I fit in with all of these groups, I don’t follow the big trend with everyone else in my school but I do work hard to make sure I fit in with the group of people I hang around with, even though I don’t need to because everyone in my group is part of the individual people who don’t conform. I have had a few knocks in my life so I don’t let people put me down, and when I need to I will stand up for myself, even when I know it is mean and wrong.

The big difference is the people I hang around with don’t have expectations, and neither do I, I may work hard to fit in, but I don’t need to, and if everyone was like this, then everyone could maybe be happy. When everyone else is following trends do the unexpected. When everyone else is making lemonade, you should make orange juice.