Monday, 30 January 2012


Sometimes in life we have to do things we don’t want to, but one thing we have to remember is not everything can benefit us all of the time. Sometimes when things go wrong and we have an argument with our friends we have to think that yes we are annoyed, and yes they have done something that has hurt us, but eventually we are going to have to forgive them, and if we can’t forgive them we are going to have to move on and find new friends. You might not want to lose your friend and you may feel like it’s hard to move on, but sometimes you have to accept when it’s not a proper friendship.

It’s the same when in a relationship. Sometimes when things go wrong and you have an argument you have to accept that you love them and that you are going to have to get past it, or you have to realise that things aren’t working out and you are going to have to end things, even if you are scared to, and if someone does the same thing to you, you have to accept that although things aren’t going your way, there isn’t anything you can do because you can’t force them to stay with you if they are unhappy. I’m not saying don’t fight for the one you love or try to work things out, but sometimes you have to accept that the person who means the most to you doesn’t feel the same, and it’s important to find someone who does

Finally there is family. When you have an argument with a family member you both have to respect each other and find a common ground, because unlike the other two, a friend or a life partner, you can’t choose your family. They are the people who are there for you when things go wrong with a friend or a partner, when you fall out with a friend, your family is there for you, when you break up with your first boyfriend, your parents are there for you, even when your forty years old and you break up with our husband, it’s your family who are there for you.

Remember you can’t always get your own way, and sometimes that’s the time when you show people you care about their feelings, when you compromise for them, and of course when things go wrong, your family is always there!

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